Creating Global Lessons

Globalizing your classroom should be fun and easy! I am sure you are already doing to many things that will open up the world to you class.

One sure way to bring a global lens to your school is to always have students asking the following questions before every lesson:

  1. Why does this lesson matter to me?
  2. Why does this lesson matter to the world?

What does global ed look like in the classroom:

  • Classroom culture (acceptance, caring, respect, empathy)
  • Structured debates
  • Organized discussion
  • Current events
  • Multicultural literature
  • Project-based learning (SAGE- Student choice, authentic experiences, global significance, exhibit to a real audience)
  • Incorporating more technology
  • Service learning
  • UN SDGs

Here is a resource that shows other ways to integrate global ideas into your daily lessons:

Ways to Integrate Global Ideas into lessons

Global Facebook groups can also be a great resource. I will post the one I come across here.